Vincent Chan

Results 41 comments of Vincent Chan

@sokra So which version fixes this problem on npm? I can update the dependency in package.json.

@sokra I've tried to upgrade webpack to 4.35.3, but it seems that it's unsolved.

I have published a new version. Thanks @sokra . I made a mistake.

@sokra Although webpack 5 have integrated deep scope analysis. It seems that this issue is not the problem of the plugin. Code bundled in dev mode: ![image]( Code bundled in...

Sorry for replying so late. This plugin is intended to avoid such function bundling. Webpack can automatically eliminate React even without this plugin. But it doesn't. I cloned your project...

About your second PS. This plugin is used to analyze the references between imports and exports, so the tests is focused on input -> output in a single module.

It depends on the output of babel. I think it will work.

I didn't get it. What's related to this project?

@atdiff Alright. It would be helpful if you can provide an example repo to get this error.

You don't need this plugin in webpack5, it's already integrated.