Vincent Chan

Results 46 issues of Vincent Chan

- [x] Define the classes of the operations. - InsertOperation - UpdateOperation - DeleteOperation - [x] Implement `Delta` for text editing. - Delta: - Insert - Delete - Retain -...

new feature

The new document model unifies the way how AppFlowy stores and transfers data. The Dart version:

- [x] FixedSizeStack - [x] Invert operation - [x] Undo - #655 - [ ] Redo - #668


- [ ] Convert from HTML to the Document - [ ] Convert from the Document to the HTML


When the input program is incorrect, the errors confused.


- [x] I've read []( - [x] Description explains the issue / use-case resolved, and auto-closes the related issue(s) (

This an issue of enhancement I think `guv` should add a fork() method to support multiprocess.


In `easter/src/`, I found that `const` and `let` are belong to `Decl` but `var` is belong to `Stmt`. It's very strange, and it's different to esprima. I want to know...