Julien Viet

Results 921 comments of Julien Viet

there are actually failing tests in the CI ``` Failed tests: 12482 HttpUtilsTest.testMultipleSlashPath1:119 expected: but was: 12483 HttpUtilsTest.testMultipleSlashPath2:124 expected: but was: 12484 HttpUtilsTest.testMultipleSlashPath3:129 expected: but was: 12485 HttpUtilsTest.testMultipleSlashPath4:134 expected: but...

I am assuming this is the class loader hold by the Context that is used to be set as TCCL ?

would the ability to disable the TCCL with a flag in VertxOptions work (instead of using a system property) ?

I think this is the expected result, the explanation is that when the pool is queries, then it can create up to 8 connections and will do it. It cannot...

that being said, if a single connection is opened and kept in the pool then it will try to use as much as possible this connection

I think that if you want a single connection, then you should have a pool of a size 1, otherwise there is nothing wrong with a pool opening 5 connections...

@pantinor if there is a bug with idle timeout it should be fixed, is that what you observed ?

another concern I do have with the pool is that I would like the implementation to be kind of rewritten to be non blocking (currently it requires cooperation using a...

@pantinor no it will not I think one thing we could try is to have a new pool setting that defines how many connection requests are concurrently achieved. so if...