Julien Viet

Results 921 comments of Julien Viet

@fperie we expect to tag this week, likely tomorrow

@fperie I hope we can pull a 3.6.1 on week of 17/12/18 4.0.0 no date but we'll make milestones when there is noticeable progress

note: java's interface was modelled after the Vert.x core EventBus interface and aims to provide the same signature, ultimately it should be possible to use Java Service Proxy with the...

it seems according to the implementation that previously `host` could also return the hostname in vertx 3, can you give an example of a difference you found ?

that's odd, I just checked the vertx 3 behavior and I don't understand how that is possible, can you provide a reproducer ?

@willisjtc yes it is

I think it’s because the mysql driver does not use the async DNS API of Netty. you can open an issue in this repo about it > On Mar 13,...