Julien Viet

Results 921 comments of Julien Viet

thanks @jotak do you want to take care of this ?

@gerardnico how can we solve this version mismatch ?

what does not work with 4.0.0 ? can you elaborate what is blocking you ?

the client advocated on SO is valid, however we have also a WIP development of a Java client for both TCP and websocket here https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-eventbus-bridge-clients/tree/java-client

when the https://github.com/vert-x3/vertx-eventbus-bridge-clients/tree/java-client will be released we will provide examples for it I think

we want to make a release of all clients, but I don't have yet an ETA. @pmlopes WDYT ?

@andreas-eberle at the moment you need to build them yourself from the sources. The new client is standalone and only depends on Netty and json library. I believe we could...

@pmlopes we also need to come up with a release plan / strategy, specially for binaries if we have some

what is using sun.misc.BASE64Encoder ?