Hi, As mentioned here: it would be nice to have a default transfer type to be triggered when trying to transfer a call. In my scenario, users usually just...
Hi, For all those buddies (maybe even xmpp -- not sure yet) that do not have an image/avatar already set (as in manually when creating with the UI), I'd like...
`friendlyState = friendlyState.replace(/["'\r\n&]/g, function(chr){` is OK to avoid code injection, but it does not allow for "safe?" HTML code such as fontawesome icons. eg. ` ` Would it be possible to...
dotDoNotDisturb and dotRinging have almost the same color. Can dotDoNotDisturb be yellowish or in any case clearly different from any other class? eg. #ffea00
Hi, Would it be possible for Browser Phone to subscribe to more than one hint? Suppose I have something like this: ``` DND4055@to-extension: Custom:DND4055 State:Busy Presence:not_set Watchers 0 4055@default :...
Hi, Sorry for all the trouble I'm reporting on XMPP. I'm unable to see my avatar image in Browser Phone. I don't see the "picture updated" mesasage in the console...
Hi, My Asterisk dialplan defines a Pickup feature when calling **${EXTEN}. I'd like Browser-Phone users to be able to pick up calls when a specific "buddy" is ringing (via XMPP...
Hi, The configure script assumes that the Asterisk modules are located in PREFIX/lib. However, on some systems such as Gentoo Linux /lib, /lib64, /usr/lib and /usr/lib64 are all different directories...
Hi, I was expecting I could serve the root location with Mellon auth and another specific location without. For instance, I'd have: https://FQDN/ -> redirect to IdP for Auth with...
Hi, How time-consuming do you think it would be to try to adapt squidclamav to be used with libecap instead of an ICAP server such as c-icap? I'm thinking of...