The CRM space is available when receiving a call (addLineHTML), but is it also available in the buddy list details? I can use the CRM div just fine for the...
Yes, it works great when I put the logic into my custom web_hook_on_invite function. However, I still need to hack phone.js because I need to add this: ``` function InitUi(){...
What I mean by this is that there's no point in duplicating code in "pre js scripts" if it's already doing the job in phone.js. That's why I'd like to...
Is there any progress on this feature? A full-fledged screen sharing feature like the one on Jitsi-Meet wouldn't be possible without a helper program, right? Screen sharing as in letting...
Do you mean the server log? I see this in the prosody server log: ``` c2s55d1cbad62c0 info Authenticated as [email protected] debug sasl reply: dj1EYmpGV0ZQZzVwdnBTR1E0ckpKb29sYVZUazA9 c2s55d1cbad62c0 debug Sending[c2s_unbound]: mod_websocket debug...
> What I could do is; on an outbound call - swap transfer for DTMF, and for an inbound call, have then is they are now. That sounds OK. Do...
Mine is different. I include the app within a frame like so:
Even if I open the app without a frame on a desktop with Firefox I'm still seeing a lot of space between the avatar and the buttons . I also...
Also, if my SIP username is X and my XMPP username is Y and X is on a call or ringing, will the status of Y change automatically? I mean,...
I changed the way I use XMPP with Browser-Phone, so now I can use the unpatched phone.js code ` xmpp_username = profileUser +"@"+ XmppDomain;` Just a side-question though. When the...