Hi, I configured XMPP in Browser Phone. My Jabber server is Prosody 0.11. The websocket clients connect via a reverse proxy (Apache) to Prosody wss. The problem I'm facing is...
Hi, Would it be possible to selectively ring a wav file according to the incoming caller's ID/number? I personally don't need a GUI setting for this. However, a phoneOptions setting...
Hi, Prosody has 2 different vcard modules: I believe I should use the second one. In any case, no matter which one I use I still get the...
Hi, I add custom buttons in buddy details to allow users to open HIS or CRM after a call has been terminated so one can select any contact in the...
Hi, I am running Browser-Phone on Firefox with XMPP messaging. Another user is connected to the same Jabber server but with a different client (Jitsi Desktop). If I send that...
Hi, Setting focus on the input field when the search button is clicked allows for quicker search operations. Something like this: ``` $("#BtnFindBuddy").on('click', function(event){ $("#divFindBuddy").toggle(); if ($("#txtFindBuddy").is(':visible')) $("#txtFindBuddy").focus(); }); ```...
Hi, Minor fix: ``` # grep -i -r "sent dtmf" ./lang/* ./lang/de.json: "send_dtmf" : "Sent DTMF", ./lang/en.json: "send_dtmf" : "Sent DTMF", ``` The en.json string should be changed to "Send...
Hi, When making a call there's a lot of empty space between the number + avatar image and the call option buttons. I need the buttons to be readily accessible,...
Hi, Could there please be a customizable variable that specifies the number of random avatar images in the following function? ``` function getPicture(buddy, typestr, ignoreCache){ var rndInt = Math.floor(Math.random() *...
Hi, Would it be possible to change the InitUi function in phone.js like this? ``` function InitUi(){ if(typeof ui_hook_on_init !== 'undefined') ui_hook_on_init(); [...] if(typeof ui_hook_on_ready !== 'undefined') ui_hook_on_ready(); } ```...