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UI hooks to easily customize UI elements without patching phone.js
Would it be possible to change the InitUi function in phone.js like this?
function InitUi(){
if(typeof ui_hook_on_init !== 'undefined') ui_hook_on_init();
if(typeof ui_hook_on_ready !== 'undefined') ui_hook_on_ready();
This would help me to avoid patching phone.js with custom UI and events.
In my custom js file I could do things like:
var ui_hook_on_init = function() {
welcomeScreen = "<div class=\"UiWindowField scroller\"><p>";
welcomeScreen += "================<br/>\n";
welcomeScreen += "MY CUSTOM NOTICE<br/>\n";
welcomeScreen += "================\n</p>";
welcomeScreen += "</div>";
var ui_hook_on_ready = function() {
var insertAfter = document.getElementById('BtnAddSomeone');
insertAfter.insertAdjacentHTML('afterend', '<button id=BtnCustomFlushBuddies><i class="fa fa-eraser"></i></button>');
$("#txtFindBuddy").on('keydown', function(event){
event = event || window.event;
var key = event.keyCode;
if (key === 13) {
$("#BtnCustomFlushBuddies").attr("title", "Handle Contacts")
$("#BtnCustomFlushBuddies").on('click', function(event){
Well, in the latest phone.js I downloaded there seems to be a new phoneOptions variable one could set in a JS "pre-script". That might solve the welcomeScreen example I showed above. Could a usage example of phoneOptions be given? Anyway, I think the ui_hooks are more flexible especially in the on_ready example above.
What does BtnCustomFlushBuddies do? There are some new trimming tools.
Also, the welcome screen can easily be over-written with the phoneOptions of a pre-script
var phoneOptions = {
welcomeScreen: "Enter text here" // or null to remove.
customSearchOrCall searches (on Enter key event) contacts in a corporate directory via webservice calls. It allows to call and/or add the contacts to the webphone.
handleBuddies can do two things: flush them all or load a set of corporate contacts depending on the user who logged in.
So, both functions are highly customized.
I see that ui_hook_on_init and ui_hook_on_ready have not been added to the latest release. Is there any inconvenience to adding them? It's perfectly backward-compatible and shouldn't interfere in anything else.