Maybe a "safer" implementation would to make an ajax call to a custom web service within the on_invite web hook where one could pass the client info as well as...
If it's "coming soon" please disable it by default for security reasons...
Copy/pasting binary data from memory/clipboard (eg. pasting an image or screenshot) instead of actually selecting a file from disk would be more challenging I guess.
> I also wish there was something better than XMPP I just stumbled on JAMI/JAMS ( and It looks like it supports "messaging". I'm not sure yet, but I...
Sure, Signal, very popular. However, have you tried installing the server? A couple of years ago I tried to get some documentation on that, and it was really confusing. Certainly...
> This allows each user to manage their own profile, picture, and visible information. Well, in a large organization it makes sense (at least to me) to auto-provision the user's...
The problem is that not all of the endpoints I'd like to provision the pictures for are "xmpp buddies". Some are simply "contacts" - even internally. For instance, some users...
Well, I don't know about giving dotRinging and dotInUse the same color. They are different device states, and it is sometimes useful to know that a phone is ringing but...
I also noticed that the contact information can sometimes overlap and hide the transfer buttons especially when the caller ID/buddy text is long. The transfer buttons should never be hidden...