Getting same issue with slightly different circumstances. User model: ``` class User include Mongoid::Document include ActiveModel::SecurePassword field :username, type: String field :email, type: String field :first_name, type: String field :last_name,...
@nofxx @90yukke Is this gem adding rspec functionality to mongoid, or is it adding mongoid functionality to rspec? I would think it's the latter and in which case, the naming...
@nofxx Cool. That question was more as a general rule which is better. Your answer still makes sense though. Thanks.
Same here. SMTP email is configured via https://docs.chiefonboarding.com/integrations/email/ Creating a new admin and using the password reset page do not send out emails. No error shown in logs either.
Same issue here, as well. Same setup as @DevilsNightsix