Victor Mendonca

Results 9 comments of Victor Mendonca

I was testing systemd permissions issues on WSL1, and it looks like it needs the command on top of privileged (or 'SYS_ADMIN' capability). This: privileged: True command: "/usr/sbin/init" Or: capabilities:...

It would be really nice to have this. The only way of doing that right now is to remove and then add again all the storage folders.

Is there anything we (users) can do to help make this move forward? This would be of great help to me.

> I am seeing this as well. > I can't consistently reproduce it but it definitely happens often, even randomly This is actually the normal behaviour (so it always happens)....

I guess there are two different issues being reported here. One is for not being able to delete notes, and another for not being able to delete the folders. I...

I don't know if this is something that @clone1612 would be able to help with. He's the maintainer for package in AUR.

It looks like it's actually using Electron 4: ``` ➤ pac list boostnote local/boostnote-bin 0.16.0-1 Open source note-taking app for programmers. Official binary. ``` ``` victor 3222699 3222646 15 15:36...

I also have the same issue in Arch, however `mpc toggle` does not work for me. I have to either run `mpc play` twice (which starts the same song again),...

I'm going to add to this existing issue because it seems that I have the same problem, and I think I found what's causing it. In my case, it looks...