Scott always adds a trailing slash to the url. In certain cases, it is undesirable to have the trailing slash. Could we create a way to get the route without...
Env: MacOs 10.14.5 Issue: I believe starting around version 0.8.0, `CTRL-Z` and `CTRL-C` no longer seem to work and require me to manually look up the process and kill it...
From #91 Improve colorpicker to pickup rgb and rgba values. Currently only picks up hex values so if you enter a rgb value and then open the colorpicker it defaults...
Off the top of my head, some things that could be added. Perhaps some aren't as useful as others. Transform ( - skew - translate Border Images Radial Gradients hsla...
Basic icons are currently supported but should we have a way to defined multiple sizes and apple-touch-icons? ``` ```