css3please copied to clipboard
Stuff to add?
Off the top of my head, some things that could be added. Perhaps some aren't as useful as others.
Transform (http://caniuse.com/#search=transform)
- skew
- translate Border Images Radial Gradients hsla (since there is rgb) text-stroke (chrome and safari I think. Not in spec) resize (not useful?) text-overflow (not useful?)
There’s http://mothereffinghsl.com/ for that.
i prefer hsl over rgb and would be happy to see hsl replace rgb on css3please. we could also link to mothereffinghsl for a richer UI
border-image.com is good for that. plus they are weird.
radial i ignored because they were hard. i think a present with a soft central gradient.
we also have a few outstanding issues already in the tracker i believe