John-John Tedro

Results 237 comments of John-John Tedro

I don't mind adding `FromIterator` impls since a goal of `relative-path` is to be as compatible as possible to `std::path`. Do note that for this specific example collecting incurs an...

Mentoring notes: This would require implementing a version of [`relative_traversal`]( that works with a mix of [`path::Component`]( and `relative_path::Component` over a `PathBuf` instance. Anyone who is interested in normalization might...

Hey, > [..] why not just forward those traits onto that string? So the issue right now is that `RelativePath` and `RelativePathBuf` doesn't actually normalize the underlying string. `RelativePath` in...

This is probably out of scope for this library. But I'll change this one into a question in case anyone disagrees.

I appreciate the input! The biggest issue for me is that there's a lot and divergent filesystem rules for what constitutes a file that can be opened or created. All...

Note that there's a note under transmute which covers this. Thanks to `ark` from the Rust language Discord (turning a `Vec` into a `Vec`):

Adding support for another language flavor is pretty straight forward. If anyone wants to take a stab at it, see for example Go:

Today! All though whitespace detection requires an [unstable feature]( I don't know when that will be stabilised.

We have all features we can on stable now.

This is implemented for integers in #432, but since float parsing uses a different routine (`std::str::FromStr`) we'd have to switch to a float parser which supports skipping over `_`. This...