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nuPickers is a collection of Umbraco v7 Property Editors

Results 60 nuPickers issues
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I've just upgraded a site to Umbraco v7.12.2 and now the icons in the Prefetch ListPicker are missing ### Before ![nupickers-before]( ### After ![nupickers-after]( I tried upgrading nuPickers to the...

I use the DotNet pickers a lot and they are fantastic for pulling in data from external data sources. But more and more these sources use async requests - for...

Hello I'm using AutoFac in my application to provide dependency management. At the same time i depend heavily on DoNet Typeahead List. The problem is when i registered my Source...


When I use the CSV format to store values for an XML Typeahead, stored values are not properly displayed when a content node is reloaded (e.g. after saving, leaving node,...


Fixes #190 - The color classes seem to have been renamed with a `color-` prefix (good thing) which is why the icons were invisible (white on white, as it were)....

Support for the use of the @ContextId parameter in JSON-datatypes

Single or multiuse attribute (should it be radio-button, drop-down only ?)

Since all custom config options are strings, there could be an option to make mandatory.

There's a .PickedKeys property, should there be a companion .AllKeys property ? Getting all keys might be an 'action' rather than data that's available on the model, so maybe .GetAllKeys()...