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nuPickers is a collection of Umbraco v7 Property Editors

Results 60 nuPickers issues
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We're seeing a major problem with syncing Pickers across Document Types. We are trying to relate different document types (such as a Product and a Download) using a bidirectional "relation...




Hi! Today we have started to use nuPickers ... and the first thing we want to say you is THANK YOU for these incredible property editors!! We have added a...

The typeahead changes results out of sync and search results doesn't always match what's typed. Waiting a bit seems to make it end up with the right result. Also seems...


I have a document with the name Håkan. When using Typeahead or Prefetch I cannot filter with åäö. I type "hå" and get 0 hits and it falls back on...

The PropertyValueConverter that returns a Picker obj only works when using the current context (see:

Hi First of all just started using Umbraco (version 7.4.3) and your package and I'm very impressed with it. There is one thing that either doesn't work or I'm not...

We're having a dropdown so only 1 value can be selected. For us it didn't really matter how the value was saved because we needed the raw value. We chose...

I think that this solved the issue that I was having. I've tested it - not sure that it does not effect anything else.. =/