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nuPickers is a collection of Umbraco v7 Property Editors

Results 60 nuPickers issues
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Since changing the relation mapping behaviour in v1.5.0 the Relations Only Save Format no longer works (see:


We want to relate some notes to each other inside the database and for that we use the `nuPickers.LucenePrefetchListPicker`. The save format is _Relations Only_. The problem is when we...

Instead of the two lists appearing next to each other (the selectable items and the selected items), the default view should be just the selected items (from here they can...

![image]( Need to indicate hover / selectable / non-selectable / selected states without occupying space inside each item (so some kind of borders or overlay ?) - this will help...

help wanted


help wanted

align naming with other projects such as: [Ditto](, [NestedContent](, [WidgetGrid](

currently renders a button for every page in the data-set (which could be many) so need to be able to restrict this, with buttons for: start / end / around...

Too much choice ! ![image]( Each property editor combines shared code to define itself, so shouldn't be too difficult to have a new property editor that does this combining.

If a custom label macro, has been selected, then there should be a further textarea field to inject css


add a data source that can be configured with a hard-coded key / label collection in the pre-value editor
