LDSO copied to clipboard
DSO with SIM(3) pose graph optimization and loop closure
Hi, I have saved all the point cloud and I found some of point clouds are too far away from real position, do you have some recommendations to solve the...
I have asked the same question in DSO issue [#212]( why note update `EAlpha` and use `EAlpha.A` to calculate `AlphaEnergy`?
Dear author, think your program, i find some issue when i run, it display some error about opencv complier, please you help me cope with the problem then i...
LDSO loop closing and ORB_SLAM2 loop closing different. LDSO loop closing some time ORB_SLAM2 loop closing is best,LDSO loop closing is BAD.
I am getting this error; I0921 12:00:08.084867 4784] Use fast loop closing terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::out_of_range' what(): basic_string::substr: __pos (which is 140) > this->size() (which...
Hello,could you please tell me which tool you use to evaluate the project?thank you!
publishCamPose funtion frame->features size == 0 ? Always 0
Hello, thank you for clarify DSO code! I'd like to use 6dof information from other sensor to make nice Point cloud with DSO. Could you give me the suggestion? Related...
Hi,I see your project is inspired by dso and I run your project successfully.Did you try stereo-dso?If you have tried it on euroc dataset successfully,could you please help me solve...
The FeatureDetector class is not considering the HALF_PATCH_SIZE border of ORB. Thus, I am experiencing segfaults in corners detected in the image borders.