Davide Torielli
Davide Torielli
Hi, I was just wondering about some documentation in the `chainjnttojacdotsolver` https://github.com/orocos/orocos_kinematics_dynamics/blob/88d5c8fb189c6cd0f0b2c4c1945ed2b0e315e203/orocos_kdl/src/chainjnttojacdotsolver.hpp#L153-L165 I see that the formula written is $ \frac{\partial J^{i,ee}}{\partial q^{j}}.\dot{q}^{j} $, but I am not sure that...
Hi, I was trying to run the ROS nodes for object detection and tracking (`object_detection_3d_voxel_node` and `object_tracking_3d_ab3dmot_node`) but they expect a `sensor_msgs.msg PointCloud` which is a bit deprecated in favour...
Hi Davide, It would be really nice to have the possibility to plot the `/tf` among any couple frames. Indeed, in the tf topic the transformations are published from the...
Hi there, I followed up the instructions for the docker (https://nvidia-isaac-ros.github.io/getting_started/dev_env_setup.html) including the realsense camera setup (I do not know if relevant). I was following some tutorials like, https://nvidia-isaac-ros.github.io/repositories_and_packages/isaac_ros_object_detection/isaac_ros_rtdetr/index.html#visualize-results, but...
At the moment it seems that the name of the subtask cannot be changed and it is always the key of the yaml For example: ```yaml RightArm: type: "Cartesian" name:...
I see `rt_ctx->params()->setLogEnabled(false);`, but what if I am not using cartesian interface API, and I am communicating with it only by publishing to ros topic? Is there a ros launch...
Hi, thanks for your efforts in releasing the package. I was wondering if the Cartesian stiffness can be set accordingly to a different frame other than the robot base frame...