Its apparently some version of GCC mangling cause IDA can demangle these if the "Assume GCC 3.x names" is unchecked, so maybe Ghidra might support it with some setting too...
`ghidra\GPL\DemanglerGnu\os\win64\demangler_gnu.exe ChangeTPage__FPUsi` outputs `ChangeTPage(unsigned short *, int)` so yea it's demangler can do it, seems its treated as old gnu format then.
hm, Ghidra's code might be failing here, seems it would have to just try them all until it demangles it but it doesn't don't see a way to pass...
CPE is the initial binary the PSX sdk produces, then it converts it to a PSX EXE, as i understand the PSX could run CPE's too. Tbh thought it was...
Well Need for Speed: High Stakes (Feb 23, 1999 prototype) has a CPE on the disc along the exe, a lot of other pre-release builds will. In the PSX sdk...
I don't want to refactor the use cases of this array which would be what i'd need to do if i'd introduce the enum. Most of TD codebase will eventually...
This is RA's changes ported over
Indeed this was defined, see Techno_Draw_Object in pseudo and source
Isn't this a Message of the day/on join message not a announcement, for it it be a announcement it would have to appear when something has just been announced An...
Attach_To returns House and the description states "Triggers when a thief steals money from the specified house." but i have a suspicion that this might need to function as the...