Tim McGrath

Results 12 issues of Tim McGrath

Loving this repo so far, thanks for all your hard work. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. I've got a possible enhancement, but want to make sure I'm not missing...

Much like the philosophy of GTSAM, bioslam would be made better by upgrading to at least C++ 17 (likely 20 for future proofing). This issue tracks boost changes that need...

currently requires manual LD_LIBRARY_PATH exporting -- is there a way to do this automatically, permanently in the Dockerfile?

See testNoiseModels.cpp For some reason, all of my noise models calls (i.e., `gtsam::noiseModel::Diagonal::Sigmas`) are all returning shared pointers to gtsam isotropic noise models or constrained noise models (i.e., the wrong...


### Background: When I first started developing bioslam, gtsam only had a magnetometer factor which hooked into a `Rot3` object, not a `Pose3` object (which are the objects we use...


Recently, bioslam was upgraded to be compatible with exactly GTSAM 4.0.3 (as opposed to my previous hacked-up version of GTSAM). This upgrade broke the MATLAB wrapper. Issues affecting fixing the...


By default, CMake option BIOSLAM_BUILD_MATLAB_WRAPPER is set to ON. In the CMake built script, we should check to make sure the user has MATLAB installed properly on their system and...

The h5 file format needs of bioslam are really slim: basic reading and writing of common types to and from files. As a result, requiring [HighFive](https://github.com/BlueBrain/HighFive) as a dependency is...


Similar to lowerBodyPoseEstimator, it is desired to save results to an .h5 file instead of individual .csv files. This would make the data much more organized and compact. As an...


Previously I was using Boost 1.56 on Ubuntu 18. But in 20, the default Boost version is like 1.71. In the newer version, they changed the way CMake works with...
