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A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java

Results 59 unfolding issues
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map.zoomTo() directly uses internal zoom method, but could use events to fire zoom method (resp pan etc). Advantage would be that all interactions work in the event system, e.g. a...


See (external) MuseApp for the bug, i.e. all marker jiggle on finger interaction.

For example SimpleMarkerApp does not "need" it. change size(400, 400, GLConstants.GLGRAPHICS); to size(400, 400);


Add interaction possibilities from KiteConnection to ConvexHull examples. Then, remove (outdated) KiteConnection examples.

In case of more complex MapProviders that actually support different options or parameters, we need a mechanism that allows us to refresh the map, when we change a parameter/option. I...


While this functionality is already implemented, the methods are not accessible from the client application. Create public facade method in Map to switch tile borders, and information. protected TileLoader createTileLoader(Coordinate...


I love the library, i was wondering if there is any work on updating the library to work on the new processing 4.0 thank you!