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A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java

Results 59 unfolding issues
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It would be great if we can use the sidebar also in the content. At the moment, it's only used for the teaser row at the top. In Markdown we...

At the moment, DebugDisplay listens manually to some scopes, as there is no registerToAll(...) method.


At the moment, log4j is not configured correctly, i.e. Processing does not find the log4j.properties in the class path.

We need a showreel like https://vimeo.com/6644720

Trying to access tiles from the example results in something like this http://gfzba.cartodb.com/tiles/rivers_ferghana/2/3/1.png? which says the database table is not existing anymore. It would be great if you provide credentials...

At the moment, CompassUI needs to be constructed with the map. We already have an event mechanism in place, which could be used. Implement MapEventListener, and listen to events in...


create a small map mbtile

An instance of Jenkins (http://jenkins-ci.org/) would be nice to collect code statistics, run unittests, create documentation etc...
