unfolding icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
unfolding copied to clipboard

A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java

Results 59 unfolding issues
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Default event handler should test for new click in between.

Add convenience method markerFactory.addPropertyRule("title", "name");

I tried to do an example with CartoDB but seeing that it's labeled under not working, I tried to try another way but then I got that the API is...

## BikeObjectsMap Bike-Stats.co.uk is dead! Please take a look at [the former provider](http://bikestats-sachin1989.rhcloud.com) ## LabeledMarkerApp Does not show markers. ## MultiProviderMultiMapApp Maps have their own panning interaction but share zoom...

Added compilation with Maven, and distribution with shell script.

Also is it possible to replace the current spring based tween with an exponential one ?


I try to integrate an unfoldingmaps in JavaFx. To do so, I use the SimpleMapApp example. But I have either a blank screen or an exception (Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"...