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A library to create interactive maps and geovisualizations in Processing and Java

Results 59 unfolding issues
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Hi there, I'm new to this Github forum but I've been using Unfolding for the last few months and thought I had the hang of it until I got to...

As [suggested](93#issuecomment-49476381), the documentation should mention that Unfolding for Java2D is not on par feature wise with the OpenGL-based renderers (including P2D).

Only on map change events, but not for all internal map update methods (e.g. direct map.pan does not use internal event system and thus does not trigger the mapChanged call)

First of all thanks for this great library! The only thing I am missing is streamlined access to a geocoding provider for address to geocoordinate conversion. Although I do see...

There seem to be some bug in marker display when TUIO cursors (e.g. fingers) are used to zoom or rotate the map, so that the marker flickers. Occasionally visible when...

After using MapUtils.createDefaultEventDispatcher(this, map); we need something to pause the default event dispatcher.
