
Results 17 issues of Jason

Sorry to misuse issue to ask questions, but I couldn't find anywhere else to ask for help. I am a neovim user, and I am trying to set up a...

By now, I have found 2 latex characters that can not be correctly rendered. The MWE is ``` fig = Figure(resolution=(100,100)) Label(fig[1,1], L"\partial") save("mwe.pdf", fig) ``` , which results in...

I am using `friendly-snippets` to provider snippets for `luasnip`, following the repository. But I don't know how to config the neovim so that it works well for snippets with choice...

I am following the `lsp` branch, i.e., the `init.lua` contains only: ``` require "user.options" require "user.keymaps" require "user.plugins" require "user.colorscheme" require "user.cmp" require "user.lsp" ``` The problem is that, when...

Sorry to misuse issues for asking question, but I don't know other way to do this. I am trying to set up `julia` lsp for nvim under your framework here....

I am trying to use `@tullio` inside a loop to construct an array part by part: ``` julia> x = zeros(2,2,3) julia> for k in 1:3 z = reshape(range((k-1)*4+1, stop=k*4),...


I have a `DataFrame` as following: ``` julia> test_data 15×3 DataFrame │ Row │ PetalLength │ PetalWidth │ Species │ │ │ Float64 │ Float64 │ Cat… │ ├─────┼─────────────┼────────────┼────────────┤ │...

Sorry to misuse issues to ask questions, but I could't find any other way to communicate with you developers. I am using this package to calculate the first order derivative...

Hello, I am tryging to save and load a `SharedArrays.SharedArray` object into `.jld2` file. The data is successfully saved, without any waring or error. But when I load it, errors...

**Describe the problem**: I have turned `copy on select` on and want to copy multilines when editing a file using vim. If interaction using mouse is diabled, `copy on select`...

T: Bug