
Results 9 comments of Jason

@fatteneder It can be checked that `L"\degree"` can be correctly generated: ``` julia> generate_tex_elements(L"\degree") 1-element Vector{Any}: (TeXChar '°' [U+00B0 in cmmi10 - Regular], [0.0, 0.0], 1.0) ``` although the result...

I found two more characters that can not be rendered: `\hbar` and `\AA`.

Thanks for your kind reply! It does help a lot, especically the mensioned `factor` to deal with the numerical noises. I have tried different `factor`s for calculating finite differences, and...

Thanks for your reply! I do have learned a lot from your posts here! But I am sorry that I didn't make my self clear. Physically, the result of derivative...

> Fractions are now concealed in 1.4.5. > > What theme are you using? The concealed code are quite wired in my case, and I thingk maybe this is caused...

> Can you share a screenshot showing the problem and the LaTeX source code behind it? ![image](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/32637321/194756399-5eb6a3da-0e1d-484c-8eb3-ef8697d35044.png) The powers in the first line is written as `^{2}` while in the...

Thanks for your kind reply. I have compromised to use tmux clipboard in remote server. This solved most of the problem as the majority of text copying and clipping happens...

> “到12月20日,《毛选》8000万部的计划提前超额完成。 据毛主席著作出版办公室1968年年初统计,1967年全国900多家印刷厂中有181家承担《毛选》印制任务,共计投印《毛选》(一至四卷)一亿零六百一十八万部,实际出书三亿六千八百四十四万册(折合9211万部),同时700多家印刷厂还印制《毛主席语录》3.7亿册,《毛主席著作选读》和毛主席著作的专集本、汇编本、单篇本8.59亿册,毛主席像和单张语录、诗词手迹17.35亿张。” [1967年《毛选》印了3.68亿册--党史频道-人民网](https://www.baidu.com/link?url=eHAepOc6Q29CsBLnGf0ZJkaUglVRYrqLdZPMI8FI78ktHV_4YkizyH8Ho_alxVZPj6oUMeNxYbaSKa0uUfHy1aV_qoVt_BzV4RaFwzs4tY7&wd=&eqid=844318090010c1080000000362e62f0c) 印了这么多作品,加起来都超过10亿册了,1亿稿费也很正常。 我只是单纯好奇一下,您看过毛选吗?主席这么一个天下为公的人,你和他算稿费。 不是想拉低智商和你讨论,我是觉得你都看到这个帖子了,还是叫醒一下吧。

I have found that `number` of a spinless fermion operator is substituted according to [the rule](https://github.com/rokzitko/sneg/blob/c11a37700c74cba17e98e748fba08e4fa611fc32/sneg.m#L1996), which means the returned operator is in fact has spin component(0) at tail of...