Thiago Silva
Thiago Silva
Migrates or remove network tests that use UDP. - Adds a helper function to add a system node disconnected from its network. - Organized the client/server of the tcp_connection test...
Migrate peer_container tests that use UDP to TCP. Fixes issue:
This workflow is set to run for every created tag that starts with `V`. So, it is intended to generate reports for the automatic beta builds and also for release...
Multiple action (unit test) runs for the same OS may conflict each other when saving the build cache
Got this error message when running the unit test action for Windows: ``` 2023-04-13T13:28:46.1799852Z [command]"C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\tar.exe" --posix -cf cache.tzst --exclude cache.tzst -P -C D:/a/nano-node/nano-node --files-from manifest.txt --force-local --use-compress-program "zstd -T0"...
As the code evolves and the old portions of it gets removed, some enumerations might not be necessary anymore. This task is for reviewing the enumerations that don´t have any...