Hi Everyone ! For my school project, I need to control the drone with only one hand through a joystick : the Saitek X52 Pro Flight : [] I need...
Hi, Can you give us an example of how to get the emoticon as a text after we selected it ? > Tip: The attribute onEmoticonPress can get the emoticons...
Hi, Are you planning to implement a way to create new shapes in the graph like boxes or ellipses ?
Hi I'm trying to install it as written in Read.Me : First get a fresh Django-Facebook checkout `git clone [email protected]:tschellenbach/Django-facebook.git django-facebook Go to the directory: `cd django-facebook` Time to start...
Hi, I'm struggling making this module work. Does anyone have issues with the App Review from Facebook ? Thank you for your answer
Hi, The dictionary doesn't recognize words with this syntax : letter + apostrophe + word. See the example below: **l'école** I need constantly adding the word to my dictionary and...
Hi, Is there a way to make the simulation pause with its modal window from the "core.window.pause_prompt" method through the scenario.txt ? I would like to ask questions to my...
Hi, I would like to play an audio file while the participant is running the scenario. More precisely, just after I run the program and the participant is in the...
Hi, There are some issues on my side about the `genericscales` plugin. As you can see on the image attached, each item only shows : the label, the limits, the...