Sometimes it uses directory ~/.local/share/love/lovegame then suddenly switches to ~/.local/share/love/game Main directory's name is game. Looks nice, but a bit strange.
render enabled in efault render pass efault
An error occurs if converting some models (I've found 2 or 3 per 100): Error: 3DreamEngine/libs/utils.lua:87: stack overflow stack traceback: [string "boot.lua"]:777: in function '__gc' 3DreamEngine/libs/utils.lua:87: in function 'copyPrimitive' 3DreamEngine/libs/utils.lua:91:...
Error: 3DreamEngine/loader.lua:863: bad argument #11 to 'setVertex' (number expected, got table) stack traceback: [string "boot.lua"]:777: in function [C]: in function 'setVertex' 3DreamEngine/loader.lua:863: in function 'createMesh' 3DreamEngine/loader.lua:657: in function 'loadObject' Adding...
It would be nice to get option for rendering colliders for debug.
I see the 3DSound section is WIP. So, here is a feature request. Could you make a sound pool? For example, we need to play one sound several times: ten...
Is there any way to rotate instance (loaded meshes which are drawn several times) not all together?