As someone using tailwindcss (or rather matheus23/elm-tailwind-modules) I put a fade-in animation on a wrapping div. But this is rather specific and I too miss the transitions that were in...
I'm thinking around partitioning by locality, avoiding hierarchies - so whilst there may be a group for a city and a group for a neighbourhood of that city they are...
Thanks Phillip - and when on holiday too... I thought I had to use Global.descendants to get to the members of the group. I sort of understand Global, but not...
agh well - here's the reference I was directed to, incidentally:
**focus-within prefix** ``` ``` I'm guessing this is another one that requires Global.selector and Global.descendants to work, hence it is not implemented. I don't know if it is useful to...
Agh, thank you -
I'm experiencing the same issue - elm-ui 1.1.0
I, being another tart, would really appreciate a compilation in the releases section. I am having to learn about this development environment through working through my mistakes in order to...
Same issue here