elm-ui copied to clipboard
Custom onLoad event handler does not work for images
I can't find a way to catch a loading event from an image rendered with elm-ui. Here is an ellie displaying two images, one with elm-ui and the other with the Html library. The custom handler only works for the second picture.
Expected behavior it should work for both pictures.
- OS: Ubuntu 16.04
- Browser: Firefox 61.0.1
- elm 0.19
- elm-ui 1.0.0
Looks like the event listener for the first image is getting added to the wrapper div
, instead of the image element
I'm experiencing the same issue - elm-ui 1.1.0
This is my work around:
image :
List (E.Attribute msg)
{ src : String
, description : String
, onLoad : Maybe (Json.Decode.Decoder msg)
-> Element msg
image attrs { src, description, onLoad } =
(E.htmlAttribute (Html.Attributes.class "ic")
:: attrs
[ [ Html.Attributes.src src
, Html.Attributes.alt description
, Html.Attributes.style "width" "100%"
, Html.Attributes.style "height" "100%"
, case onLoad of
Just ol ->
[ Html.Events.on "load" ol ]
Nothing ->
It is not exactly equivalent to Element.image
as elm-ui
does not expose all it's internals. Specifically, the width and height of the image have been hacked into something that seems to work for me. It also relys on elm-ui
not changing the css classes it uses.
also relys on
not changing the css classes it uses.
We can replace (Html.Attributes.class "ic")
with (Html.Attributes.style "display" "block")
. The ic
class seems to only apply this one property.