Theo Barber-Bany
Theo Barber-Bany
# Summary Can ArgoCD (via RBAC?) be configured so an `argocd app sync` can only be issued to a certain target revision for a specific project? Or can a project...
Hi, I have had success running the server locally, using 'sbt run' and then querying using httpie, however my production environment does not have enough memory to build / run,...
Install the azure and gcp image registry credential providers, that are required from 4.16.
#### What type of PR is this? /kind cleanup Version vump #### What this PR does / why we need it: Bumps to the latest version. This is to...
The url works as a drop in replacement for the .tw domain. I'm using : ```js el.href = el.href.replace(/^((http(s|):\/\/|www\.)|)(dx.|)doi\.org\//gim, ''); ``` Maybe an idea? I've had trouble with the...
**What this PR does / why we need it**: This PR Adds the Paused condition, and tests to all of the core CAPI resources. Fixes #10130 /area area/provider/core
**What this PR does / why we need it**: This change updates the provider contract to account for a new paused condition. It is intended to start as an optional...
Currently, as far as I can tell,`auth-provider-gcp` only supports using the `default` gcp service account attached to the GCE VM. ( It would be great to additional authentication methods when...