Do you know of something similar to Razorback for node projects?
Thank you! I really appreciate the guidance!
Another bug with food: the new code that kills people off when there's not enough food seems to be broken. It's killing off all the inhabitants of the entire solar...
@neilkakkar I think this is related to issue #45 I was working on with the people management pane. The idea was based off population to be able to assign a...
implementing biodiversity. will make a PR when done.
That's what I did, and nothing fails. However, something is wrong with it because none of the functions get called like they do on your launch button. Not even the...
I would like to implement food growth based off the biodiversity factor that I just sent a PR for.
I'm experimenting with Markov Chains right now because I had never heard of them. If I get something working, I'll let you know.
This is what's stopping me from using the layout. Hopefully we see it soon
Running into a similar issue. I can I kill the the process with ctrl+c, but I cannot run on the same port. Attempting to run on the same port prints...