Documentation claims " Note that passengers will press the button again if they fail to enter an elevator.", however, if they fail to enter an elevator because it is going...
I had to uninstall this plugin because it was causing syntax errors in my other projects which are written with Angular. When I saved a .html file in Angular this...
How would you go about dynamically binding data to an adaptive card? For example, in Schools.JSON you can assume this query would actually go look up schools on Google then...
My idea what to have a people management pane where you can assign your workers to different jobs to generate certain resources faster than others. I started work on this,...
changed how species growth is calculated to be based on a very small chance with advantages given to more diverse planets
Currently the properties only refresh if you click on a planet. It'd be nice to see these refresh in real time.
Two newsletters I subscribe to require responding to the email to confirm the subscription. I don't believe there's currently a way to do this. # Examples 1) Quastor 2) ByteByteGo...
The blogs show up oldest first instead of newest first.