Results 49 comments of Isaac

@fuzunspm I get the same "no such xattr" when I run that, but if I go inside the folder and run it on the executable, it doesn't give me an...

And just an update on my attempt with `xattr -d ~/Library/QuickLook/QLStephen.qlgenerator/Contents/MacOS/QLStephen` It did not work.

Fair point. I just thought it might have been re-added with some update or something.

I think it's happening when I disconnect from a WiFi network with an AirPlay device and then (re)connect to a network with one. It probably puts the icon back at...

This is more relevant for themes, since you can only have a single one installed/enabled at a time.

It still seems to work fine for me on on macOS. What items are showing up? Are you able to post a screenshot? Also, can you outline the steps...

Thanks for the screen+video. When you start Spotify with the extension enabled, does it show podcasts right away, or just after using the app for a while? Are you staying...

I tried leaving it open overnight on the homepage and it still didn't have any podcast items appear. I'm not sure how I'd test or fix it. Right now it...

I added a "debug" branch that has a little more logging enabled. Could you switch to that in case it helps me figure out what's going on? If the content...

Run `spicetify enable-devtool` and then it should have a "develop" section in the Spotify menu. Open the web inspector/console in that menu. It should open a window with a bunch...