
Results 14 issues of termithorbor

Hi, I have two paired end linked primer pairs because I did multiplex PCR with two different primer pairs (Primer1F +Primer1R and Primer2F + Primer2R). Would this line of code...

Hi, I have installed Minipolish via pip3 from Github. I can not find miniasm_and_minipolish.sh on my system. I can also not figure out to which location pip installed it. I...

Hi all, the make command fails after cloning with this error: bonsai/include/bonsai/entropy.h:2:10: fatal error: hll/circularqueue/cq.h: No such file or directory 2 | #include "hll/circularqueue/cq.h" So what is missing here? Thanks...

Hi, should any filtering for suspecious species in 16S data be done beyond the chimera filtering and filtering for singletons in phyloseq objects? For example filter out species which are...

Hi, are the core databases also updated with every update? How can I update the core database by myself? Thanks in advance.

Hi, is it possible to get an updated database at some point in the near future? Or is there a way how to update/create a database by ourselves? Thanks in...

Hi, I want to run a Breseq analysis and therfore I need to filter the contigs in my assembly by depth. is this somehow possible in Unicycler? Thanks :) Here...

Hi, I have isolated and sequenced (Illumina 2 x 150 bp) only a plasmid. Is it possible to assemble the plasmid with Unicycler? I tryed it but it got frozen...

Hi, when I use the --contamination option of Unicycler with a reference genome of the possible contamination it does not detect any contamination and I get a complete genome. When...

Hi, I have designed a custom dual indexing approach based on the ONT Native barcoding primers: Ont_flank1 forward | Barcode forward | Ont_flank2 forward -- | -- | -- AAGGTTAA...