Teodor Tanasoaia

Results 199 comments of Teodor Tanasoaia

But it only mentions "signed/unsigned integral type" and there is a separate entry for floating point types in the remainder section. If `x / 0 = x` and `x %...

> I am not sure, maybe the bahavior of `x / 0.0` for a floating point `x` is left undefined intentionally and its behavior relays on backends? IIRC all backends...

Something worth pointing out is that if there is no consensus on this, the decision might impact #2765 (due to some of the built-in functions being defined in terms of...

Hmm, it seems dot and reflect don't have overloads for packed vectors. Which version of Metal do you have on your system?

I was hoping we don't have to do this for the SPIR-V backend as well since you could specify a lower stride and validation didn't complain, but it seems we...

Yeah, although there are a bunch of edge-cases (as we've seen in the HLSL PRs that were related to matCx2's). IIRC main one being that wrapping vec2's in a struct...

MSI is an installer. And even if you install it and then try to use VDesk.exe by itself it doesn't work; it has dependencies in the folder where it got...

> I could look at building an exe with the DLLs built in (like a c# version of a statically linked binary) This is what I meant. An exe that...

Yes it does but it has dependencies in the folder where it got installed so you can't just move the exe around and use it. You need all the files...

This would be a nice addition. I am currently using [`cmdow`](https://github.com/ritchielawrence/cmdow) and some math for this.