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`make validate-spv` fails with newest SPIRV-Tools

Open jimblandy opened this issue 1 year ago • 9 comments

Using spirv-val from khronosGroup/SPIRV-Tools@a98f05d0, Naga's make validate-spv target fails:

$ make validate-spv
Validating spv/access.spvasm
error: line 145: Structure id 12 decorated as Block for variable in Uniform storage class must follow standard uniform buffer layout rules: member 0 is a matrix with stride 8 not satisfying alignment to 16
  %Baz = OpTypeStruct %mat3v2float

make: *** [Makefile:34: validate-spv] Error 1

This is a new change; spirv-val from, say, sdk- has no complaints.

jimblandy avatar Aug 29 '22 16:08 jimblandy

See also #2032.

jimblandy avatar Aug 29 '22 16:08 jimblandy

Okay, so the WGSL declarations in access.wgsl are:

struct Baz {
	m: mat3x2<f32>,

@group(0) @binding(1)
var<uniform> baz: Baz;

This results in the SPIR-V:

               OpMemberName %Baz 0 "m"
               OpName %Baz "Baz"
               OpName %baz "baz"
               OpMemberDecorate %Baz 0 Offset 0
               OpMemberDecorate %Baz 0 ColMajor
               OpMemberDecorate %Baz 0 MatrixStride 8
               OpDecorate %baz DescriptorSet 0
               OpDecorate %baz Binding 1
      %float = OpTypeFloat 32
    %v2float = OpTypeVector %float 2
%mat3v2float = OpTypeMatrix %v2float 3
        %Baz = OpTypeStruct %mat3v2float

WGSL's rules say that the RequiredAlignOf(mat3x2<f32>, Uniform) is AlignOf(mat3x2<f32>), which we're satisfying.

Vulkan's shader resource interface offset and stride assignment rules say,

If the uniformBufferStandardLayout feature is not enabled on the device, then any member of an OpTypeStruct with a storage class of Uniform and a decoration of Block must be aligned according to its extended alignment.

where the "extended alignment" of a matrix member of a struct is

equal to the largest extended alignment of any of its members, rounded up to a multiple of 16.

So it seems like WGSL's requirements are less stringent than Vulkan's.

jimblandy avatar Aug 29 '22 17:08 jimblandy

In Matrix chat, Alan Baker says:

intentionally matrices are tightly packed in WGSL so some matrices in uniform buffers will require an alternative representation

so our SPIR-V generation will need to explode that mat3x2 into individual vec2 members or something.

jimblandy avatar Aug 29 '22 17:08 jimblandy

I was hoping we don't have to do this for the SPIR-V backend as well since you could specify a lower stride and validation didn't complain, but it seems we have to...

It's unfortunate that we now have to do this complex translation in 3 backends (GLSL, SPIR-V, and HLSL) we might want to somehow consolidate this.

teoxoy avatar Aug 29 '22 19:08 teoxoy

So I guess this is what we need to generate now:

                OpMemberDecorate %Baz 0 Offset 0
                OpMemberDecorate %Baz 1 Offset 8
                OpMemberDecorate %Baz 2 Offset 16

         %Baz = OpTypeStruct %vec2_f32 %vec2_f32 %vec2_f32

and then loads look like this:

%mat_col0_ptr = OpAccessChain %ptr_vec2_f32 %baz %const_0 %const_0
%mat_col1_ptr = OpAccessChain %ptr_vec2_f32 %baz %const_0 %const_1
%mat_col2_ptr = OpAccessChain %ptr_vec2_f32 %baz %const_0 %const_2
    %mat_col0 = OpLoad %vec2_f32 %mat_col0_ptr
    %mat_col1 = OpLoad %vec2_f32 %mat_col1_ptr
    %mat_col2 = OpLoad %vec2_f32 %mat_col2_ptr
         %mat = OpCompositeConstruct %mat3x2_f32 %mat_col0 %mat_col1 %mat_col2

We can no longer assume that Naga IR struct member indices are the same as SPIR-V struct member indices.

jimblandy avatar Aug 29 '22 20:08 jimblandy

Yeah, although there are a bunch of edge-cases (as we've seen in the HLSL PRs that were related to matCx2's). IIRC main one being that wrapping vec2's in a struct might not work in cases where the original matCx2 was already part of a struct since the resulting struct wrapper will have a min alignment requirement of 16 (in uniforms/extended layout) but matCx2's should have an alignment of 8.

It might be helpful to track the HLSL implementation of this while implementing it for the SPIR-V backend.

teoxoy avatar Aug 29 '22 20:08 teoxoy

wrapping vec2's in a struct might not work

Right - looking at the table in the spec, it seems like putting the vec2's in any kind of container causes them to acquire the 16-byte alignment requirement. So the only way to make it work is to just inline them.

jimblandy avatar Aug 29 '22 23:08 jimblandy

One problem with the instruction sequence I proposed earlier is that SPIR-V has no instructions for using a dynamic index into a matrix by value. If you have a pointer to the matrix, then OpAccessChain works, but otherwise, there's no way to do it. So the actual sequence of instructions would need to follow the OpCompositeConstruct with a spill to a temporary variable, and then use OpAccessChain as usual on that.

That's pretty gross.

jimblandy avatar Aug 31 '22 16:08 jimblandy

That's pretty gross.

Confirmed with Tint team that this is what Tint does, and no better solution is known.

jimblandy avatar Aug 31 '22 19:08 jimblandy