Teodor Tanasoaia

Results 43 issues of Teodor Tanasoaia

Looking at the API of [`StaticRc`](https://docs.rs/static-rc/latest/static_rc/rc/struct.StaticRc.html) and [`SharedPointerKind`](https://docs.rs/archery/0.4.0/archery/shared_pointer/kind/trait.SharedPointerKind.html) I think it would be possible to add support for `static-rc` behind a feature flag. What do you think?

Since the [`arrayvec::ArrayVec`](https://docs.rs/arrayvec/latest/arrayvec/struct.ArrayVec.html)/[`tinyvec::ArrayVec`](https://docs.rs/tinyvec/latest/tinyvec/struct.ArrayVec.html) types have a hard cap on the items they contain, the capacity can be used on the shader side as the fixed-size array length. Besides being able...


Most likely after bitflags v2 since it will release with a new `BitFlags` trait


Going forward, I would like to find at least one person that can help maintain the project. I will still contribute but I don't have as much time as I...

This only happens when the panel has been closed in a different session and starts closed by default.


Firefox and Safari don't support it yet https://caniuse.com/#feat=webp


- [x] underground line pair cursorBox 01123339e5fc49a6b806c5fc728efe3eadc37ad6 - [x] copy/paste entity settings source entity cursorBox ab7412be95d70630433c56566625bf235630c29c - [ ] electricity cursor boxes - [ ] logistics cursor boxes (roboport and...


> Trains are quite a challenge to implement in the browser and this is because the spritesheets of all train rotations are huge. > > Currently all entities are in...


- [ ] Electric energy interface - [ ] Heat interface - [ ] Infinity chest - [ ] Infinity pipe - [ ] Loaders (all 3 types)
