Tebjan Halm

Results 92 comments of Tebjan Halm

had a quick look and it appears that: "WM_TOUCH and WM_GESTURE messages are mutually exclusive. If you don't call RegisterTouchWindow, you will receive only WM_GESTURE messages." from: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dd693088(v=vs.85).aspx already talked...

Since modem syntax highlighters can tell you what kind of identfier you are looking at by color coding it, I believe this discussion is a waste of energy. If you...

@VaclavElias and @ZZAAAKK are currently looking into reviving this.

> Feels like it could be ignored by serialization as it's runtime only? You are right, it is a runtime technique. So then it needs the `[DataMemberIgnore]` attribute, is that...

Hey, very glad to see this happening. I hope we will have time to discuss these things in our next vvvv meeting and come back to you with ideas and/or...

@Shpendicus did you check the changes in the linked WIP branch?

Nice one, I wonder whether we can introduce the parent window idea to the platform-independent `GameWindow` class. So that it works for SDL, Winforms, and whatever windowing backend will be...

For Windforms there is another context, that also uses the winforms message loop. That might fix the issues. https://github.com/stride3d/stride/blob/master/sources/engine/Stride.Games/GameContextWinforms.cs

I've converted it to draft, as it is still missing a few points. But thanks, this is great work!

Depends on #1425