Tatsunori Uchino

Results 181 comments of Tatsunori Uchino

numpy.linalg.solveが想定している A^-1 b の形ではなく、 A B^-1 の形ならあまりメリットがないと思います 以下の例ではむしろ遅くなっています ```py3 In [1]: import scipy as sp In [2]: from scipy import linalg as lin In [3]: A = sp.randn(1024, 1024) In...



I don't want it to vomit an invalid lint to the following code to keep the compatibility between 5- and 6: ```powershell if (-not (Test-Path variable:IsWindows)) { $IsWindows = Test-Path...

Thank you for suggesting a heavily related issue, but it is not completely duplicated to mine because it does not use the special comment but uses the project config.

It's ideal if we can choose `ktlint` or `ktfmt` in `settings.json`.

v3.0.0-alpha.0 is now avaiable. https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/releases/tag/v3.0.0-alpha.0 In v3, MDX v2 instead of v1 is going to have to be used.

https://docusaurus.io/blog/preparing-your-site-for-docusaurus-v3 v3 seems to be released soon. beta.0 is now available.

https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/releases/tag/v3.0.0 3.0 has just been released

@Andarist > Hm, the quoted issue is somewhat weird - I don't get why React would be bothered by a script injected before . Hydration should only occur within the...