Tatsunori Uchino

Results 181 comments of Tatsunori Uchino

FYI AsciiDoc uses both warning and caution. https://docs.asciidoctor.org/asciidoc/latest/blocks/admonitions/ > **Caution vs. Warning** > > When choosing the admonition type, you may find yourself getting confused between "caution" and "warning" as...

I have no authority but I believe manuals of many (physical) products use both cautions and warnings. ![ANSI](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/assets/12870451/6910f5bc-f5b5-4578-9e78-eb69a2b55118) From: https://www.muirgraphics.com/2016/08/difference-life-death-choosing-right-safety-signal-words/ ![MHI0111-OABLOG-SafetySigns-750x375-1](https://github.com/facebook/docusaurus/assets/12870451/eabb9ef0-39cd-44da-b217-7db034cdb25b) From: http://www.overheadlifting.org/understanding-safety-signs-and-overhead-lifting-equipment-hazards/ I'd like to and I believe we...

If we keep caution, we should adjust the hues of "warning" and "caution" because they share the same icon ⚠; "warning" should be closer to red and "caution" can be...

https://infima.dev/docs/components/alert Infima means this, right? That's why every variable name starts with `ifm`. I guess we have no choice but to follow these classifications... - secondary → note - success...

https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/API/Event/composed must be used to fix this problem. This may be due to https://github.com/algolia/autocomplete

@Josh-Ce I don't have a mac, but can't it be reproduced in Microsoft Pinyin in Windows parallels either? (I'll try it later in physical Windows though)

fyi how to enable Japanese IME in macOS https://redcocoon.org/cab/mysoft.html

I was able to test in Google Pinyin in Windows Sandbox. https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/12870451/235466914-83505fb2-2bad-4a77-8191-75da32a24f49.mp4 Input a sentence→Press backspace until all characters are deleted While I pressed backspace, I found the search bar...

Can macOS + Firefox input Pinyin on the field in this pen successfully? https://codepen.io/tats-u/pen/KKGXxEM