Tatsunori Uchino

Results 181 comments of Tatsunori Uchino

@thorn0 I did it so you can try it now. I rebased the branch to `next`. ```js if (shouldRemainTheSameContent(path)) { return splitText( options.originalText.slice( node.position.start.offset, node.position.end.offset ), options ).map((node) => node.type...

Interesting failed test case: ``` cjk.md - {"proseWrap":"always"} > format JestAssertionError: expect(received).toMatchSnapshot() Snapshot name: `cjk.md - {"proseWrap":"always"} format 1` - Snapshot - 2 + Received + 2 @@ -45,12 +45,12...

```js import { format } from "./index.js"; console.log( await format("時は金なりは、英語のTime is moneyから来たことわざです。", { parser: "markdown", printWidth: 80, proseWrap: "always", }) ); console.log( await format( "時\nは\n金\nな\nり\nは\n、\n英\n語\nの\nTime\nis\nmoney\nか\nら\n来\nた\nこ\nと\nわ\nざ\nで\nす\n。", { parser: "markdown", printWidth: 80,...

I fixed. ```js import { format } from "./index.js"; console.log( await format( [ "時は金なりは、英語のTime is moneyから来たことわざです。", "時は金なりは、英語の Time is money から来たことわざです。", "時\nは\n金\nな\nり\nは\n、\n英\n語\nの\nTime\nis\nmoney\nか\nら\n来\nた\nこ\nと\nわ\nざ\nで\nす\n。", ].join("\n\n"), { parser: "markdown", printWidth: 80, proseWrap: "always",...

```js import { format } from "./index.js"; console.log( await format( [ "時は金なりは、英語の\n Time is money.\n から来たことわざです。", "時は金なりは、英語の \nTime is money. \nから来たことわざです。", ].join("\n\n"), { parser: "markdown", printWidth: 80, proseWrap: "always", }...

Do you mean this algorithm? - "CJK -> `\n` -> latin": search forward for "Latin -> whitespace (`''` | `' '` | `'\n'`) -> CJK" - "Latin -> `\n` ->...

Can I inject custom attributes to sentence nodes? Either way I feel uhat it may be too difficult for me to find an implementation that satisfies our requirements. Anyone is...

I managed to pass all the tests. Shall I add extra tests?

Version 3 Alpha has been released but still no replies... The ball is in your court.

Thank you for your reply. I was relieved a little. You can modify my PR as you like or issue a simple instruction to satisfy your requirements.