Tatsunori Uchino

Results 181 comments of Tatsunori Uchino

You are saying it is a bad idea to optimize the compiler a little depending on (or trusting) the BCL implementation too much. `CInt(Math.Truncate(Double))` and other ones that have already...

The target functions are not likely to be run more than billion times and to meet your requirements. Thank you for your opinions. I will resign this improvement. Those who...

I will check other CJK sites built with other software (e.g. Astro & Nextra).

None of Astro & Nextra sites seem to be affected. - https://swr.vercel.app/ja/docs/getting-started (Nextra) - https://biomejs.dev/ja/guides/getting-started/ (Astro) - https://docs.astro.build/ja/guides/view-transitions/ (Astro) Rspress, which also uses MDX (maybe uses mdxjs-rs or markdown-rs instead),...

> can you tell me if you see anything weird in these input MD files? No NULL characters are found in html, md, mdx, json, or css files in your...

Neither of `$env:SKIP_HTML_MINIFICATION = "true"` (I am using PowerShell) nor `--no-minify` helped. MDX part was still minified. Also, changing the locale from `"ja"` to `"en"` did not, either.

https://typescriptbook.jp/ (https://github.com/yytypescript/book) This site uses Docusaurus 2.4.1, and NULL chars are not found there.

I found both Docusaurus and Ant Design website have `div` whose class has `markdown`. However, none of Nextra, Rspress, or Astro have. And looks like https://ant.design/docs/blog/line-ellipsis-cn doesn't contain NULL now.

@johnthagen I have just installed Poetry to another machine, and I found that your question is also problematic.

It's good to know. Sorry for the lack of a detailed investigation. I was going to look into v3 using my desktop (this issue is written using my cellphone).