Domas Monkus

Results 10 issues of Domas Monkus

Legitimate use cases for anonymous fields are few and far between. This is not one of them - we're not accessing properties of the anonymous fields directly.

technical debt

Use embedded template instead of format string. Add test. Remove use of map pointer - golang maps are already pointers to a maps structure and can be nil.

technical debt

This PR addresses #559 The instance-permission-set is parsed as a comma-separated list of ARM resource ids in the form '/subscriptions/{subscriptionId}/resourceGroups/{resourceGroupName}/providers/Microsoft.ManagedIdentity/userAssignedIdentities/{identityName}'.


I found this while testing out basic example in the [README]( If a user were to set `spot` to anything other than `0`, the task will fail to start: ```...


This will allow us to resolve updatable comments to a user-specified scope. Current scopes are: - global (default watermark) - workflow (augmented with workflow id) - job (augmented with the...

This closes #299. The storage type is inferred by provider. The `storage` config section is extended with additional options: ``` storage { container = container_path = container_opts = { }...

Renamed delete to destroy. Renamed read to status. Restructured base options and moved all subcommands into a single package.

See [^1] [^1]:

## Description `dvc get` fails in one of our [example repos]( with the error response: ``` ERROR: unexpected error - Repository not found at /__w/stale-model-example/stale-model-example/.git/ ``` None of the directories...

C: ref