Bogdan Tanasa
Bogdan Tanasa
Dear all, i would appreciate your opinions, comments, advises on the following please : we do have a two batches of scRNA-seq in CTRL (batch 1 and batch2), and two...
Do the functions in Monocle3 (eg graph_test() )requires the package spData ?. When I am trying to install spData, the message I do receive is : ``` make: *** [geos_methods.o]...
Dear all, and Monocle3 developers, thank you for a great package. Here it is a question, rather than a bug report : would you please advice, is there a way...
Dear all, 'd appreciate having your suggestions on the following case of scRNAseq analysis with LIGER /Seurat 3.1. ; the question is : what analysis strategy would you recommend (described...
Dear Nicolas, would you please also let me know, which is the latest singularity container that I shall use (and shall i pull down the docker container and convert it...
Dear Nicolas, is HiC-Pro available on any cloud platforms (GCP, AWS, DNA Nexus, Seven Bridges). Thanks a lot !
Dear Gavin, We are very happy to use the algorithms that your group has developed for mapping CNA and LOH in tumor samples, especially TitanCNA. I would appreciate having a...
Dear Shiqi, thank you for your work on MAnorm2 and for the tutorial. Could you please let me know how can I print the results of the function diffTest ?...