Elliott Plack
Elliott Plack
[Here is a screencast](http://youtu.be/Mab7tSgQkxs) of an odd behavior when zooming in. Chrome Version 40.0.2214.111 m Windows 7 x64
While writing an issue over on OpenStreetMap/iD#2177 , I was trying to find a good icon to go with military venues on iD. Currently, the best option could be the...
There are two new coverage areas in the Maryland Three-inch imagery dataset, collected in 2017. The state updates the imagery at the endpoint so the service URL is still the...
Feature request :grey_question: : I've been attending Esri MUC and have a few story map ideas! During the conference I was checking out some of the published story maps and...
When the user is done fixing something, they may be tempted to click Next Task -> before clicking Save, as I just did. At this point, the application will in...
Mappers have noticed that too many tiny private airports cloud the map, but the only way to render them appropriately is to use an area and then use the size...
Washington DC has a beltway number I-495 in Maryland and Virginia (and a very tiny sliver in DC proper). There is an official shield that appears on signs around the...
Pennsylvania has some data but it appears to only include state roads: http://www.pasda.psu.edu/uci/DataSummary.aspx?dataset=54
Esri service: http://services.wvgis.wvu.edu/arcgis/rest/services/Transportation/wv_address_roads_WVDHSEM_wm/MapServer
Statewide: https://njgin.state.nj.us/NJ_NJGINExplorer/jviewer.jsp?pg=ROADS