
Results 118 comments of Takase

Taking the instructions from above, I have created a little wrapper that you can use without making changes to `.profile` ```sh export NVM_NODEJS_ORG_MIRROR=https://unofficial-builds.nodejs.org/download/release NVM_DIR="$HOME/.nvm" source "$HOME/.nvm/nvm.sh" nvm_get_arch() { nvm_echo "x64-musl";...

@ljharb Well, I found a way to do that _quite_ reliably. I was looking around and found [this](https://github.com/straight-shoota/crystal/blob/43eaf06ff6738e6295e5dea5b76470d6dc4c9561/src/compiler/crystal/config.cr). It checks output of `ldd --version` against `musl` and `-musl`. In order...

According to @TorchedSammy it still happens.

I've edited this issue to include usage. This morning I was almost late because of this issue.

~~After some investigation, I cannot find any part of the code (at least for module resolver) that supports loading a `d.ts` file. Maybe the docs is misleading me?~~ EDIT: I...

@thecotne the problem is that is the wrong folder to search for. the structure of the folder is `@types > (module name) > (name from package.json).d.ts`. This means that `require.resolve`...

I suggest that the user typings and node_modules be handled seperately. the code is kind of confusing to get around

No worries, if you ever need help, I can try my best to help. I am currently testing some code to support DefinitelyTyped, if it works I'll consider opening a...

@Qwertie- I have an idea, but it may or may not work - instead of extracting all frames at once, maybe you can try extracting certain frames within a range,...

This is borderline related to lite. Anyways, [let me google that for you @fab1an2 ](http://letmegooglethat.com/?q=Anybody+can+help+me+creating+example+how+drawing+a+text+on+screen%3F+SDL2)